True Dbgrid Pro 6.0 Free Download !!HOT!!
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This subject has come up a number of times, so it seemed it needed complete,step-by-step instructions. Hope you find this useful.================================================Obtaining the free ComponentOne ActiveX controls================================================Go to and download the VB.NET Resource Kit,if desired. Be assured there is NO NEED to do this, if .NET doesn't interest you.Regardless of instructions to the contrary, you *never* need to install anything evenremotely related to .NET if all you're after is the ActiveX tools.Near the top of the page, there is a section headlined \"License key\" that offers twolinks to obtain your ComponentOne Studio Enterprise license key by e-mail. Choosethe appropriate one (U.S. or Outside the U.S.).If you're in the U.S., you can probably skip the first page altogether, and godirectly here: folks outside the U.S., there appaears to be little difference in the webform,other than addressing fields: =wwThe only required fields seem quite innocuous. Name, email, country, etc. Theyobviously need the email address so they can send you downloading and license keyinformation. The remaining fields consist of a survey about your use of, andinterest in, .NET -- I was totally honest. \"Don't use .NET; don't plan to.\"After submitting the form, you will the license key will be emailed to you. IfActiveX is all you're interested in, skip all the licensing stuff, and proceed to theFREE BONUS SOFTWARE instructions. You need to click an individualized link takingyou to the download page. (I saved the email itself in the same folder I targettedfor the download.)[[Note to self: \"Your license key from ComponentOne.eml\"]]You are now on a page from which you can obtain the license key for Doc-2-Help aswell as download the FREE BONUS SOFTWARE. (I saved this webpage itself in the samefolder I targetted for the downloads.) Click the following links:[[Note to self: \"MicrosoftK_aspx.htm\"]] * Click HERE to download your FREE COPY of Doc-to-Help 6.5! * Click HERE to download one-time update of Studio Enterprise for Microsoft VisualStudio .NET!The first download (\"DocToHelp6_6.5.0.128.exe\"), which is 28.7Mb, is the installationprogram needed for that product. Be sure not to lose the license key provided on thedownload webpage. It has the format: 01065M1-XX-NNNNNN (X=alpha,N=numeric).The second is download (\"\") weighs in at 186Mb, but contains thereal gems! Extract the installation package (\"c1StudioActiveX_Q303.msi\") from theZIP, right-click on it, and *Install* your choice of components!Feel free to delete the following files, if you have no interest in .NET (and havesquirrled away the ActiveX MSI!):12/02/2003 11:21a 195,499,110 c1enterprise_303.zip08/01/2003 05:17p 18,796,544 c1StudioAsp_Q303.msi07/31/2003 03:07p 57,959,936 c1StudioNet_Q303.msiThat's it! For your own protection, you probably should also burn the entire mess toCD now, for future installs. I believe this is the complete list of free components,as pulled from VB's own dialog: ComponentOne C1Awk Control 8.0 ComponentOne Chart 8.0 2D Control ComponentOne Chart 8.0 3D Control ComponentOne Query Control 8.0 ComponentOne Query UI Control 8.0 ComponentOne Sizer/Tab Controls 8.0 ComponentOne Spell 8.0 Control ComponentOne Thesaurus 8.0 Control ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0 ComponentOne True DataControl Lite 8.0 ComponentOne True DBCalendar 8.0 ComponentOne True DBContainer3D 8.0 ComponentOne True DBDate 8.0 ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 7.0 (OLEDB) ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8.0 ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8.0 (OLEDB) ComponentOne True DBList Pro 8.0 ComponentOne True DBList Pro 8.0 (OLEDB) ComponentOne True DBMask 8.0 ComponentOne True DBNumber 8.0 ComponentOne True DBNumber Lite 8.0 ComponentOne True DBText 8.0 ComponentOne True DBTime 8.0 ComponentOne VSDraw 8.0 Control ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0 (DAO/RDO) ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0 (Light) ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0 (Light/Unicode) ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0 (OLEDB) ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0 (OLEDB/Unicode) ComponentOne VSFlexString 8.0 ComponentOne VSPDF 8.0 Control ComponentOne VSPrinter 8.0 Control ComponentOne VSReport 8.0 Control ComponentOne VSViewPort 8.0 Control ComponentOne WebChart 2D DTC ComponentOne WebChart 3D DTCEnjoy... Karl-- [Microsoft Basic: 1976-2001, RIP]
I know what they'd say: nothing.But I consider it a nice fantasy that the message might get through.Annoyance: after downloading all that stuff, my boot volume only had about 40MB of free space, and the msi installer barfed instantly. After I freed up 100MB or so from the boot volume, it at least RAN the installer ... so that I could tell it to install everything to the *other* volume (which has about 50GB free)Bob
> Annoyance: after downloading all that stuff, my boot volume only had about> 40MB> of free space, and the msi installer barfed instantly. After I freed up> 100MB or so from the boot volume, it at least RAN the installer> ... so that I could tell it to install everything to the *other* volume> (which has about 50GB free) 1e1e36bf2d
This post is about downloading True Dbgrid Pro 6.0 for free. It sounds exciting, but be careful when downloading software from unknown sources. Always make sure it's safe before you click!