The Canterbury Tales: A New Unabridged Translation By Burton Raffel Downloads Torrent
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A New Way to Enjoy Chaucer's Classic: The Canterbury Tales by Burton Raffel
If you have always wanted to read The Canterbury Tales, the masterpiece of English literature by Geoffrey Chaucer, but were put off by the difficulty of the original Middle English, you might be interested in a new unabridged translation by Burton Raffel. Raffel, a renowned translator of classics such as Beowulf and Don Quixote, has rendered Chaucer's tales in modern English verse that preserves the rhythm, rhyme, and spirit of the original.
The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. The tales range from chivalric romances and moral allegories to bawdy comedies and satires, reflecting the diverse personalities and backgrounds of the storytellers. The tales offer a vivid portrait of medieval society, culture, and values, as well as insights into human nature and behavior.
Raffel's translation makes The Canterbury Tales accessible and enjoyable for modern readers, without sacrificing the richness and complexity of Chaucer's language and style. The translation also includes a comprehensive introduction that provides historical and literary context for the work, as well as introductions for each tale that explain the main themes and characters. The translation is available in various formats, including paperback, hardcover, audio CD, and audiobook.
If you are looking for a new way to experience one of the greatest works of English literature, you can download a torrent of The Canterbury Tales: A New Unabridged Translation by Burton Raffel from this link: You will need a torrent client software to open the file and start downloading. Enjoy!
Some of the most famous and memorable tales in The Canterbury Tales are the Knight's Tale, the Miller's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, the Pardoner's Tale, and the Nun's Priest's Tale. Each tale has its own style, tone, and genre, and often contrasts or comments on the previous tale. For example, the Knight's Tale is a noble and romantic story of two knights who compete for the love of a fair lady, while the Miller's Tale is a crude and hilarious story of a carpenter who is cuckolded by his young wife and her lover. The Wife of Bath's Tale is a feminist and provocative story of a knight who must find out what women really want, while the Pardoner's Tale is a moral and ironic story of three greedy men who seek death and find it. The Nun's Priest's Tale is a fable and a parody of a heroic epic, featuring a rooster, a fox, and a moral lesson.
By reading The Canterbury Tales, you will not only enjoy the stories themselves, but also learn about the culture and society of medieval England. You will encounter various aspects of life in the 14th century, such as religion, politics, law, commerce, art, literature, education, and entertainment. You will also meet a diverse cast of characters from different social classes and professions, such as knights, nobles, clergy, merchants, artisans, peasants, and women. You will hear their opinions, beliefs, values, and prejudices, as well as their jokes, gossip, secrets, and scandals.
The Canterbury Tales is a work of genius that has influenced many writers and artists throughout history. It is also a work of fun that has entertained many readers and listeners for centuries. If you want to join them, don't miss this opportunity to download The Canterbury Tales: A New Unabridged Translation by Burton Raffel from this link: You won't regret it! aa16f39245
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