Star Wars Saga Sniper Build
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How to Build a Sniper in Star Wars Saga Edition
If you want to play a sniper character in Star Wars Saga Edition, you need to choose the right class, feats, talents, skills and equipment. A sniper is someone who can deal high damage from long range, while staying hidden and avoiding direct confrontation. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of creating a sniper build for Star Wars Saga Edition.
Step 1: Choose Your Class
The best class for a sniper is Scout, because it gives you access to Stealth as a trained skill, as well as useful talents like Awareness and Evasion. You can also multiclass into Soldier or Jedi for some extra combat abilities, but you should focus on Scout for most of your levels.
A Scout is a versatile character who can excel at exploration, survival and stealth. As a Scout, you get the following benefits:
Hit Points: 1d8 + Constitution modifier per level
Base Attack Bonus: +0.75 per level
Defense Bonuses: +3 Reflex, +1 Fortitude, +1 Will
Skills: 6 + Intelligence modifier per level; trained in Endurance, Initiative, Mechanics, Perception, Pilot and Stealth
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles and simple weapons)
Talents: One talent from the Awareness or Camouflage talent trees at 1st level, and one additional talent from any Scout talent tree at every odd-numbered level
A Soldier is a combat specialist who can handle any weapon and wear any armor. As a Soldier, you get the following benefits:
Hit Points: 1d10 + Constitution modifier per level
Base Attack Bonus: +1 per level
Defense Bonuses: +2 Reflex, +2 Fortitude, +0 Will
Skills: 2 + Intelligence modifier per level; trained in Endurance and one additional skill of your choice
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, heavy weapons and simple weapons)
Talents: One talent from any Soldier talent tree at 1st level, and one additional talent from any Soldier talent tree at every odd-numbered level
A Jedi is a force-sensitive warrior who can use lightsabers and force powers. As a Jedi, you get the following benefits:
Hit Points: 1d10 + Constitution modifier per level
Base Attack Bonus: +0.75 per level
Defense Bonuses: +2 Reflex, +2 Fortitude, +2 Will
Skills: 2 + Intelligence modifier per level; trained in Acrobatics, Initiative, Knowledge (galactic lore), Perception and Use the Force
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers and simple weapons)
Talents: One talent from any Jedi talent tree at 1st level, and one additional talent from any Jedi talent tree at every odd-numbered level
Force Powers: One force power of your choice at 1st level, and one additional force power of your choice at every even-numbered level
Force Points: 5 + half your level (rounded down) per day; used to activate force powers or enhance rolls
Step 2: Choose Your Feats
Feats are special abilities that enhance your skills or combat performance. You get one feat at 1st level, and one additional feat at every third level (3rd, 6th, 9th etc.). You can also get bonus feats from your class or species. As a sniper, you should focus on feats that improve your accuracy, damage and stealth with ranged weapons. Here are some of the best feats for a sniper:
Precise Shot
This feat allows you to ignore the -5 penalty for shooting into melee combat. This is essential for a sniper who ec8f644aee
That sounds like a cool build! Snipers are always fun for long-range battles. I’d love to know what weapons and gear you use!