Quake 2 Mac Full Version Download [EXCLUSIVE]
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How to install it (Easy way) (Windows only)0) Install Quake II, either buy it (you should it is really good), or download the free demo.1) Find your Quake II directory (usually \"C:/Quake2\"), and make a copy of \"ref_soft.dll\" somewhere on your computer.2) Download the \"ref_soft.dll\" file shown below and put it in your Quake 2 directory.3) Run Quake II, go into the \"Video\" settings and change the renderer to \"software\", then set the resolution to 640x480 for best viewing (it does work on all resolutions, I just think it looks best at this size).4) Thats it! The next game you start should be in full SIRDS! If you have trouble, give me a yell. There is NO gaurntee on my part that I'll help you (I will try though). Optional (all platforms)5) If you want to turn the SIRDS off you can either change the renderer back (which is kind of slow) or you can hit the \"\" key to bring down the console and type \"set sw_sird 0\" to turn it off, and \"set sw_sird 1\" to turn it back on. Hit the \"\" to make the console go away.6) If you are feeling fancy and want to be able to turn it off and on with the press of a button: go into the baseq2 folder in your QuakeII directory, and open config.cfg with Notepad or Wordpad. Then change one of the \"alias\" arguments to \"set sw_sird 1\" or 0. For example, the following two lines make PageUp turn SIRDS on, and PageDown turn SIRDS off:alias PGUP \"set sw_sird 1\"alias PGDN \"set sw_sird 0\".
How to install it (Programmer way, any platform)0): Get Quake II, and install it.1) Get the source code, and get to the point when you can build a working version of ref_soft.dll (try the debug version, it seems to work more easily). If your not using Windows, you may want to find a guide online which tells you how to build for your OS (or you could do the smart thing and just get Windows).2) Once you've got it working, look in the ref_soft folder, and either replace your r_main.cpp with my one below, or go through my one and copy and paste all the parts that say \"Start Added by Lewey\" into your version. NOTE: I have posted the full source with my modifications (which compiles fine with Visual C++ 6.0), so you can just get that if you like.3) Rebuild and copy ref_soft.dll into your real QuakeII directory. Now follow from step 3 of \"How to install it (Easy Way)\". (above).
Unlike Quake, where hardware-accelerated graphics controllers were supported only with later patches, Quake II came with OpenGL support out of the box. Later downloads from id Software added support for AMD's 3DNow! instruction set for improved performance on their K6-2 processors, and Rendition released a native renderer for their V1000 graphics chip. The latest version is 3.21. This update includes numerous bug fixes and new levels designed for multiplayer deathmatch. Version 3.21, available as source code on id Software's FTP server, has no improved functionality over version 3.20 and is simply a slight modification to make compiling for Linux easier.
A remastered version of the game, titled Quake II RTX was announced by Nvidia in March 2019[26] and was released on June 6 for Windows and Linux on Steam. This remastered version requires either a Nvidia RTX or an AMD Radeon RX 6000 series GPU to utilize these cards' hardware ray-tracing functionality, but a software fallback is available for graphics cards that are fast enough.[27][28]The game, provided free of charge, includes the three levels present in the original Quake II demo,[a] but can be used to play the full game if its data files are available.[29] Unlike in most games, ray tracing is used extensively here for lighting, reflections, etc. This is only possible because of the otherwise low hardware demands of Quake II.
Version 1.27 runs perfect for me, but sometimes it happens to me that when I go from one map to another, the game drops a lot of fps, so I have to save the game and exit the game and start it again and load the game and then The fps are normal now. This did not happen to me with the previous version. Maybe it's windows 11 or it could be my pc or this version of quake2xp.
List: baselines (random number) (value) - Set up the initial values for spawning the player on the map. begin (random number) - Spawn the player on the map. configstrings (random number) (value) - Set up the initial configuration for connecting the client to the server. disconnect - Disconnect the client from the server. download (filename) - *Disabled. Download a file from the server. drop (item) - Drop an item from the inventory. fov (value)- Set the field-of-vision. gameversion - Display the date version of the game. give (item)- Give an item to the player. god - Toggle God mode. help - Display the score screen. info - Display server information. invdrop - Drop the currently selected item in the inventory. inven - Display the inventory screen. invnext - Select the next item in the inventory. invprev - Select the previous item in the inventory. invuse - Use the currently selected item from the inventory. kill - Make the player commit suicide. nextdl - *Unknown. noclip - Toggle the ability of the player to walk though walls and objects. notarget - Toggle the ability of the monsters to detect the player. putaway - Putaway any menu screen or inventory window. say (message) - Send a message to all the players on the server. say_team (message) - Send a message to all the players on the server who are on your team. use - Use an item which is in the player's inventory. wave (type)- Make the player character display a hand gesture to other players on the server. weapnext - Switch to the next weapon in the player's inventory. weapprev - Switch to the previous weapon in the player's inventory.
This section identifies all parties to whom due credit or thanks. All the people belowdeserve full recognition for the work that they did contributing to this document. If I byany chance missed a name please inform me so that I can put it in to give you due credit. You, The Reader I would also like to thank all the readers of this document because they are the ones who ensure that we, the authors, have the strength to go on and produce our works. How much would our work be worth if nobody would ever read it or look at it Daniel \"Prog\" Rinehart I would like to thank Prog for his work on the Quake Console Commands document which was the first one of it's kind. Prog was the first pioneer who ventured into the depths of the console and dared to document it. id Software I would like to thank id Software for making Quake 2 and because of that game the creation of this document was possible. Their use of the console for a game was a wonderful idea which has created a whole new way to customize the game. PlanetQuake I would like to thank all of the people at PlanetQuake and the PlanetQuake staff who have given us great support for displaying our work on their site. They have the #1 Quake site in the whole community and we're proud to be a part of it. Mondain Thanks to Mondain for noting the definition of the public command. Monkey Thanks to Monkey for noting that grenades was missing from the list within the definition of the use command. Mr. C Thanks to Mr. C for his help with the link command. Mr. C showed me a demonstration of this command by changing the location of the game maps. Dan Koppel Thanks to Dan of Xatrix Entertainment for his explanation of gl_showtris. I was not able to get the correct result due to being unsupported in the 3Dfx version. Rune Hansen Thanks to Rune for noting the continuous console logging setting of logfile. Rune searched everywhere for a way that he could monitor his dedicated server remotely, and came across this setting. Leo Davidson Thanks to Leo for noting the missing Power Shield entry within the use command in the old document. Jeff Dubrule Thanks to Jeff for his help with the gl_clear command. NetDweller Thanks to NetDweller for all of his proofreading help in the old document. Not to mention his help with a good number of commands by introducing some of their definitions and helping me test the others. Gnomon Thanks to Gnomon for his help defining cl_looptrack, cl_loopcount, and setenv. Gnomon remembered that Brian Hook defined setenv in his .plan file near the beginning of the Quake 2 project. bOi Thanks to bOi for sending me a capture from Redwood's site about rate and netgraph (Therefore thanks go to Redwood as well). Though I have stumbled across this a few times before, I was reminded that I needed to add more detail to the two commands. Moize Thanks for finding the missing cells value for the give command. Arno Fortelny Thanks for finding out that the gamedir command was missing. Brian Tuggle Thanks for finding out the meaning of the sv command. Pierre-Yves Boulanger Thanks for the description of the cmd putaway command and for spelling error fixes. Steve \"Rastaf\" Taylor Thaks for find the missing cells item from the drop command. Chuck Schmidt Because of Chuck's problem with the play command and the sound/ directory prefix, I was reminded to mention this little thing in the document so that others won't have the same problem. final Final's reminded me that I forgot to include the gl_triplebuffer command. Jason Spears Jason saw the omission for the description of the port command.5. Version InformationDecember 3, 1998 Updated the document due to the Quake 2 v3.20 release. Added the needpass variable. Updated the logfile variable with new settings.November 16, 1998 Added the gl_triplebuffer variable that was left out, thanks to final. Added the description to the port command. Thanks to keen eyes of Jason Spears who saw the omission.November 6, 1998 New legal terms for this document. It is now released under the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License Version 2. Added a little note about the sound/ directory prefix for the play command thanks to Chuck Schmidt.September 29, 1998 Updated the HTML markup in the document. This should be the last such update because I
Quake 2 is an awesome game with lots of action and fun. Downloading the full version lets you play all the levels and enjoy it even more. Don't miss out on this classic!