Advanced Machining Processes Vk Jain Pdf _BEST_ Free
IntroductionMetal cutting operations and terminologyTrends in metal cutting theory and practiceCutting tool materialsModelling and simulation of machining processes and operationsOrthogonal and oblique cutting mechanicsChip controlCutting vibrationsHeat in metal cuttingCutting fluidsTribology of metal cuttingTool wear and tool lifeMachinability of engineering materialsMachining economics and optimizationAdvanced machining processesMicromachiningNanotechnologySensor-assisted machiningVirtual and e-machiningSurface integrityTroubleshooting for machining Appendix Index
Unlike conventional metal cutting processes, non-traditional machining (NTM) processes can directly employ different forms of energy for controlled removal of material from the workpiece to impart desired shape, size and finish. Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) is one thermal energy based process where material is removed by localized melting and vaporization. Intense heat is generated by means of electric sparks. Here the tool made of conductive material is made one electrode (cathode), while the conductive workpiece is made another electrode (anode); and a small gap is maintained between the two. This gap is again filled with dielectric fluid. When sufficient potential is applied across the two electrodes, the dielectric brakes down to assist spark formation. Spark temperature can reach as high as 10,000C. Such high temperature spark instantly melts and vaporizes material and creates a small cavity (of nanometric dimension) on the work surface. Repeated generation of such sparks in a controlled way can lead to the production of highly finished surface.
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This post offers a free PDF of "Advanced Machining Processes" by Vk Jain. It's a great resource for learning about different methods in machining. Perfect for students or anyone interested in this field!